Spike’s Kava Bar was the place to be on 4/20 for their incredibly vibed out 4/20 Gathering!! Yesterday I recorded myself spinning music at Spike’s Kava Bar — tracks run the gamut from funk to house to hip hop and more. And of course I had to drop some skratches and beat juggles for the true hip hop fans!

Spike’s Kava Bar is an incredibly cool Kava, Kratom and full spectrum THC bar located near La Aurora Market in Gainesville Florida at 3743 W University Ave. They serve all kinds of wild and wonderful drinks that don’t include demon alcohol (as my friends from the Tabernacle of Hedonism would put it). It’s a fantastic way to spend a random Friday/Saturday night. I’ll definitely be announcing the next time I perform at Spike’s Kava Bar on my blog so keep your eyes on my website for more updates.
Oh, and peep the freestyles in part 4! Special guests Saint Tellah and Spyda Trini Venom popped their heads in the building to smash faces with some ear blistering freestyles. Click the 3-dots on the right hand side of each music player and click “Download” to save the mp3 file to your computer for leisurely listening in the car and otherwise.
Part 1 – Warm up fonk
Part 2 – EDM Glow Up
Part 3 – Hip Hop Haze
Part 4 – Freestyles over DJ Robzilla (and other) beats feat St. Tellah & Spyda Trini Venom
Lastly, if you want to see the playlist of tracks I dropped for my set yesterday check out the Google Sheet of the tracklisting at this link. You can find metadata for each track in the spreadsheet, including track name, artist name, album name and start/end points of each track for easy identification of the song within the mix.
See you for drinks at the next one!

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